All this means the lack of job security, which leads to the feeling of fear, stress and frustration in the employee, and he leaves his workplace by his own will. 5- Existence of unprofessional relationships in the workplace There is a famous saying in this field that you must have heard many times, " they leave their manager or team." If there is no positive and constructive relationship between the people of a team or between the manager and the employee, there is no reason for the employee to continue working in a chaotic and tense environment.
Unprofessional work relationships 6- Creating a sense of injustice in employees If you are going to promote one Special Phone Number Data your employees, it is better to do it very carefully and sensitively. Carefully examine the work situation of each employee from various angles such as responsibility, sufficient knowledge, effective communication with others, etc. to find the most deserving person for promotion. Remember that with an unfair choice, you can arouse the anger and even resentment of other employees, and by indirectly insulting the worthy and talented person, you will remove him from your circle of good employees.
7- The occurrence of major changes in the employee's life The reasons for leaving a job are not always limited to management mistakes. Sometimes it happens that the employee, due to some personal reasons and despite his interest in his work; He is forced to leave his current workplace. For example, pregnancy in women and taking care of a child is one of the reasons for leaving a job. Changing the place of residence from one city to another or moving the place of residence in big cities, which makes the employee's commuting route longer, is also another reason for leaving the job, which has a personal aspect and, as we mentioned, is caused by mismanagement or It is not the wrong decisions of managers.