The third method Download the Windows operating system in the form of an ISO file directly. Download Windows Disk Image From the Windows download page that we mentioned previously go to the section shown in the image below click on the menu shown choose Windows then click on Download Now.requiring expensive technical hardware and through it most office tasks can be performed easily and smoothly. But what is Ubuntu operating system Why do some see it as the best free operating system .
The most important question Is it better than Windows In this article we answer these questions and introduce you to the advantages and disadvantages of the Ubuntu operating system. WHAT IS UBUNTU OPERATING SYSTEM Ubuntu is an opeBelgium WhatsApp Number Datarating system built on the popular Linux kernel . Systems built on the Linux operating system are called distributions. Ubuntu is not the only distribution built on the Linux kernel. There are other distributions such as Fedora Debian and others but Ubuntu is the most famous of these distributions and the most widely used at the present time. For those who do not know what distributions are .
They are operating systems but they consist of several parts each of which handles a set of commands and tasks. system while the rest of the parts are other open source software. Open source programs are programs that give the user the right to use the program and view the special codes. Of course this gives other programmers the opportunity to examine these codes and thus they can make modifications and additions to these programs and develop them. Paid programs and operating systems do not disclose their source code and it is legally and technically protected by the company that developed it.