The micro-entrepreneur is an autonomous enterprise, which means a simple way of doing business (EI). The micro-entrepreneur is an individual entrepreneur who has a simple way of choosing a job, which allows him to exercise his professional skills with a legal structure, simple management and strict administrative formalities. As a social worker, the self-employed is not a person of distinct juridical character of the entrepreneur. The exercise is not a formality, nor a moral person.Thanks to the development of micro-enterprise, Bosnia And Herzegovina Phone Number List we were able to ensure that the system was compatible with the nature of the active activity. As a result, the existence of active activities that one can experience in micro-enterprise, tells us that
This is a statute for petty crime prevention projects, which imposes risks of accidents, limits the development of activities susceptible to them.In a micro-entreprise, it exists a place of little friends to respect, to rest in peace, it is indispensable to eat away at the good places, even if you have to redistribute it in the class of the individual enterprise.