For an approximate determination, you can use the methods that we discussed below. How to understand what format and type of content will work To choose the types and formats that interest your audience, you need to do things regularly Experiment . When there is an active audience in a channel/group, you need to try different formats and see how people react to them. Pay attention to the number of likes and reposts, whether there are comments and what is written in them. Look at your competitors . It's always a good idea to check what your closest competitors are writing and how it's responding to their followers.
Think about which ideas can be adapted and published on your resources, and which ones are better not to be reproduced in your public pages and channels. Study the analytics of your channel/group . Check the statistics of a channel or group, see which materials Web Development Services collected the best results, analyze the reason and try to repeat the success of these materials. Some tips about popular formats You need to take your business promotion content strategy seriously. Then any format and type will “work” better and convince visitors to become buyers. The brand image is growing, sales and profits are also growing.
To make it easier for you to decide on the first formats and types of content, we will give examples from studies. In , a large study of content marketing in Russia from Zen and IAB Russia was completed. Based on its results, the most effective promotion method was determined - contextual advertising in search engines effectiveness and the most frequently used - promotion in social networks effectiveness. Content marketing and publishing are in second place in both areas. We have identified the most popular formats that different companies most often work with posts text publications and longreads short videos up to minutes photos and graphic materials quizzes, tests, surveys.